Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Peers paper on Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay Example for Free
Peers paper on Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay Please find attached Rimas paper. Here are the assignment instructions for the peer review: Your instructor will assign and send you a peers paper on Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity. Your job is to critically read the assignment and make corrections/comments using track changes and comments in Microsoft Word. Be sure to assess the paper using the following criteria: 1. Does the paper provide sufficient evidence for its hypothesis or claim? 2. Does the flow of the paper and sentence structure make sense? 3. Should it be organized in a different manner? 4. Are all the items listed in the assignment guidelines and rubric covered and in sufficient depth? This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. Please submit your completed peer review assignment similar to your submission of previous essays, rather than replying here in the Individual Forum. â€Æ' The purpose of this paper is to identify and elaborate the characteristics of a healing environment, challenges and barriers associated in instituting the atmosphere for effective patient outcomes that will not only treat the patient illness but to help the patients to heal as a whole and biblical passage that support the concept of healing hospital from a nursing perspective. According to Florence Nightingale nurse’s role is to provide external environment and fosters internal environment necessary to heal the patients. We as nurses can manage the health and wellbeing of our patients and their families by providing them high quality, kindhearted care that will collaborate with care of the body, mind and spirit which in turn results in effective patient healing. Benefits acquired from creating a healing environment has led many hospitals to integrate features that will help lessen stress associated with the illness and promote healing for patient and the family. Healing is not curing an illness by treating the symptoms, eradicating disease or following treatment plan as, a lot of time you are cured but not healed. An example that describe this concept is a person with a chronic illness such as cancer, is peaceful despite of her illness, loss of function rather than grieving for her illness and angry as she has healed from cancer. Healthy healing environment is meant to promote harmony of mind, body and spirit by providing a patient centered care that fulfills the spiritual, social and physical needs of patients. This idea of healing hospital will lower the cost of healthcare, by focusing on specific needs of the patients and create a better healing environment by reducing stressors in the hospitals which be later described in the paper. We as nurses play an important role in addressing the spiritual needs of our patients and incorporating this spiritual needs in plan of care will help facilitates the coping mechanism in our patients. Here in this Paper we are going to discuss about Mercy Gilbert Medical centre which is one of the famous healing hospital which has three key components that facilitates healing that is related to spirituality. Three key parts of this healing atmosphere are as follows: 1) A healing physical environment which includes implementing measures to keep the environment quiet to promote peaceful sleep that help in faster recovery by reducing the sources of noise such as eliminating over head paging or only in time of emergencies by carrying wireless for direct connection, soundproofing with sound absorbing ceiling, avoiding loud cleaning machines rolling down long hallways or replacing patient care areas with carpets and installing silencer to cleaning machine prevent noise created by it (Ebers t, 2008). Prevention of stressors such as noise, glare and poor air quality are shown to have increases patient blood pressure, heart rate and reduce oxygen levels due to environmental concerns. 2) The Integration of appropriate work design and technology plays an important part in enhancing the process of healing such as thoughtful layout that makes easier for frail patients to move around independently, Private patient rooms with larger space for storage of supplies, computer for charting, sink for hand washing, amenities that make it easier for family member to stay overnight. Also it could reduce risk of infections, provides patient privacy and prevents any disturbances, promote peaceful sleep and caregivers can discuss private matters more freely without hesitating and maintains patient dignity which for some patients may be very stressful (Eberst, 2008). It allows portable equipments to easily move in and out from these rooms and patient does not needs to be transferred to any other room for x rays or procedures while maintaining privacy etc. use of colors, images and appropriate signs to help patient and family find their destination. Separate elevators were designed for patient transfers providing privacy and safety. Patients at this hospital were getting the benefits of most recent digital technology in specialty testing areas which help to get quick results rather than waiting for long hours and creating a stressful situation for patient and family. Primary care providers were able to access results from their personal device at any place which make it easier and convenient to make decision and planning treatment. Hospital designs and interior should be planned in the way that it allows natural light through large windows from where they can get more sunlight which can be helpful to lessen depression; fresh air by helping them to get engage with scenery can extensively reduce their tension, irritation and promote enjoyable thoughts. Skylight system provides in room entertainment such as comedy channel, healing music which promotes laughter therapy and healing. Patients were provided with education specific to their needs as well as patient satisfaction survey which helps staff to improve the patient care. Instituting advance technology with caring environment that delivers highly qualified, loving and patient centered compassionate care has helped this hospital to achieve effective patient healing (Eberst, 2008). 3) A culture of Radical Loving Care at Mercy Gilbert medical centre offers kindhearted care that enhance faster recovery of patients through a holistic approach that not only meets patients bodily needs but also their emotional and religious needs. They hire their employees not only on the basis of the skills but they look for those that consider the work as their passion, rather than just a profession, always willing to help people and go an extra mile for fulfilling their needs. They make sure that every encounter with the patients and families by the staff members is a sacred encounter. Touch Pads outside each patient room encourage the person entering patient rooms to reflect on their role that can help patient in healing. All this efforts in providing compassionate care helped the patients, families, caregivers and the staff to make the stressful time into a peaceful situation (Eberst, 2008). Some of the barriers that prevent nurses or healthcare team to provide healing environment are as follows: As we all might be familiar with the fact that due to crisis in the health care field, many of the health care organization are working short staffed which means higher nurse patient ratio that results in burnouts and less attention and time spent with patients that they deserve to talk to their nurses regarding their health and concerns, physicians are encouraged to see more patients per day that can shorter interaction between physician and patient and it changes the way they were served (Dunn, 2010). Addressing the spiritual needs of the patient is very difficult especially when you are running out of time due to heavy workload and making sure that every patient is medicated and every task that needs to be fulfilled for the assigned patients is completed can be a barrier in creating a healthy and healing environment. Other possible barriers could be noisy environment due to loud intercoms, overhead pagers, disturbances from transferring patients from one place to another, cleaning machines can interrupt patient sleep which is important for early healing, Medical errors due to stress from all day noise and distractions, failing to address cultural, and spiritual needs due to language barriers can prevent from creating optimal healing environment (Dunn, 2010). The biblical passage that supports the concepts of healing hospital is â€Å"Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth†by Jeremiah 33:6 of King James Version which is describing the aim of a therapeutic hospital that is not only to cure the disease process or the symptoms but along with curing they are encouraging their staff members to address and fulfill the patients emotional and spiritual needs to heal them with compassionate, loving care, as we are aw are of the fact that a lot of times patients are cured but not healed due to lack of addressing their spiritual wellbeing. Healing hospital focuses on treating the patients physically, emotionally and spiritually to provide them peace, comfort and security. Positive experiences among all the members of health care team in providing holistic patient care will result in harmonious work environment, patient satisfaction, improved patient outcomes as well as help caregivers in identifying the importance of their hard work and dedication towards saving peoples life and help them regain peace, comfort and happiness which is a necessary concept in creating healing environment. References: Dunn, L. (2010). CREATING HEALING ENVIRONMENTS: A CHALLENGE FOR NURSING. Online Journal Of Rural Nursing Health Care, 10(2), 3-4. Eberst, L. (2008). Arizona medical center shows how to be a healing hospital. Health Progress, 89(2), 77-79. Retrieved from 40.0 %Comprehension of concepts of a Healing Hospital Reveals inaccurate comprehension of material and lacks the ability to apply information. Displays a lack of comprehension but attempts to apply information. Presentation of material does not meet minimal requirements of the assignment. Demonstrates no critical thinking aspects. Exhibits comprehension of the material and attempts to integrate it with outside material. Information represents basic thought and formulation of Healing Hospital concepts, values, and practices. Demonstrates integrative comprehension. Student exhibits thorough and thoughtful processing of material. Evidentiary support is creatively interwoven and presented in a manner that supports the writer?s position and perspective on Healing Hospital concepts and patterns. Demonstrates integrative comprehension and thoughtful application of concepts surrounding the Healing Hospital and circumstances involving application in real world situations. Presentation of material and components include expanded and unique perspective relative to Healing Hospital patterns and value.48.00/48 30.0 %Coverage of subject matter. Subject matter is absent, inappropriate, and/or irrelevant. There is weak, marginal coverage of subject matter with large gaps in presentation. All subject matter is covered in minimal quantity and quality. Comprehensive coverage of subject matter is evident. Coverage extends beyond what is needed to support subject matter.30.60/36 20.0 % Organization and Effectiveness 7.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing thesis and/or main claim. Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear. Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.7.14/8.4 8.0 %Argument Logic and Construction Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the thesis and/or main claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. Sufficient justification of thesis and/or main claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of thesis and/or main claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. Argument shows logical progression. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of thesis and/or main claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive thesis and/or main claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.8.16/9.6 5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of the meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register); sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.5.10/6 10.0 %Format 5.0 %Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent. Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct.5.10/6 5.0 %Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment and style) No reference page is included. No citations are used. Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used. Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present. Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and citation style is usually correct. In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.5.10/6 100 %Total Weightage 109.20/120
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Problem Television Programs :: essays research papers
     Problem Programs Robert MacNeil began his article the, â€Å"The Trouble With Television,†with the overwhelming statistic that the average television viewer squanders one thousand hours per year watching television programming (MacNeil). One thousand hours is a tremendous amount of time squandered watching programs with unchallenging content, this time could be better spent earning a college degree or perhaps earning various languages (MacNeil). I concur with MacNeil that television does â€Å"discourage concentration and applied effort†for the reason that viewers spend an excessive amount of time watching unsophisticated and undemanding programming rather then engaging in activities that will further develop the viewer’s critical thinking. In MacNeil’s article he asserts that viewers waste an excessive amount of tome watching television that is brief and unchallenging. He also adds that programmers deliberately create brief and rousing programs in hopes of achieving the goal of exposing viewers to their advertisements so that a profitable outcome can be reached. MacNeil informs his readers that approximately thirty million adults are functionally illiterate in America, meaning that thirty million adults are unable to read past the fifth grade level. He does not go as far as to say that television is to blame for this outcome, but he does                                                   Cascarano 2 believe that television contributes significantly to the misfortune. MacNeil also insinuates that viewers are attracted to simple and quick resolutions for many of today’s complex problems in these one half hour shows. Complex problems and quick, easy solutions are often found in these ine half hour comedy sitcoms such as Home Improvement. In a recent episode eighteen year old Brad (the eldest son) confronted his parents about his plans to marry his girlfriend of two months. Brad was convinced that he and his girlfriend wer in live and that was all that they needed to survive. Jill (Brad’s mother) turned to Wilson (their neighbor) for advice. He gives a simple resolution to a complicated problem: reverse psychology. Within a matter of four minutes the problem had vanquished, the young couple would wait until they had both completed four-year at a commendable university. Although quite witty, this simplistic one half hour comical sitcom is not challenging and it does not develop the viewer’s critical thinking because it does not break down the problem and explain a sophisticated and real resolution. Real resolutions are not given in these types of short sitcoms because real resolutions are lengthy and do not keep viewers watching.
Monday, January 13, 2020
An Introduction to Sociology Essay
Philip Vernon carried out research studies into contributions of environmental and genetic factors into intellectual development in the 1940s and 1950s. He believed that Western IQ tests were unsuitable for non-Western people; he also applied the same argument to the use of Western IQ testes within different subcultures and social classes within Western Societies. He stated that â€Å"There is no such thing as culture-fair tests, and never can be†(Haralambos p. 747). Vernon developed a hierarchical model of IQ testing in the 1950s, which broke down the test into many subcategories. He concluded that social class differences have some genetic basis. He based this conclusion on evidence that intelligence of adopted children relate more to the social class of their biological parents than to their adopted parents. Vernon believed that social mobility allowed individuals with high IQ levels to rise to the socially high classes’ whilst those with low IQ levels would fall to socially lower classes. Cultural rules play a profound role in our society today, and through education we have learnt what is right and what is wrong. However, could somebody who has not been brought up knowing these rules be able to interact with other humans? There are many cases where children in particular have had no social interact with other humans in the early stages of life, where primary socialisation should take place. And the outcome has been that they have no facial expression, incorrect movement, and have no human speech. The most popular example of this is the feral children. Feral Children are children who have been nurtured in the wild by animals, children that were raised in a non-human, inhuman or sub-human environment and because of it did not learn how to communicate or behave in a human manner. Two particular cases of child deprivation that argue the case of nurture particularly well are Amala and Kamala and Genie. Amala and Kamala were two sisters aged approximately eight and one and a half who were brought up by wolves in the 1920 in Bengal, India. When captured they were taken to an orphanage where they were looked after by the reverend Singh and his wife. Singh described them as â€Å"wolf like†in appearance and behaviour. They walked on all fours and had calluses on their knees and palms from doing so. They preferred to eat raw meat and stole it when ever they could. They licked water with their tongues and ate their food in a crouched position. Their tongues permanently hung out of their mouths, and they panted just like wolves. They never slept after midnight and howled at night. They could move very fast on all four’s. They turned away from human society altogether. If approached, they made faces and sometimes bared their teeth. Their hearing was very acute and they could smell meat at a great distance. They could also orientate themselves very well at night. In September 1921 both girls became ill, and Amala, the younger, died. Probably the most famous case of a feral child is that of Genie. She spent nearly 13 years in almost total isolation and was fed only on milk and baby food. She was eventually found and placed in a children’s hospital. At that time she could not stand straight, chew or see beyond 10 feet. She was inquisitive though and after 7 years her IQ had increased from 38 to 74 although she never developed the normal use of language. Many Psychologists believe that a child will have permanent difficulties in learning a language unless they start from an early age. Others argue that children could be mentally retarded from such abuse. So Genie’s case does not resolve the nature-nurture controversy surrounding human development. In 1977, the last time Genie was filmed, scientists found that without constant teaching Genie had regressed. She now barely said a word. In other cases of feral children, some, who were discovered at a much younger age than Genie, learnt language and were eventually able to speak reasonably well. Genie however was unable to do more than string a few words together. Genie failed to learn any kind of grammar, and this is what distinguishes the language of humans from that of animals. Genie could not grasp the difference between various pronouns or between active and passive verbs. In that sense she appeared to have passed the critical period. The critical period is a hypothesis that states that the first few years of life are a crucial time in the development of a first language providing that a sufficient stimulus is present. If the acquisition of language is not achieved during this time then it will never be fully achieved. Socialisation is a major sociological concept that provides the link between the individual and their Society. Socialisation is the ongoing social learning process that is necessary for human existence and development. There are two types of socialisation, primary and secondary. Those factors that are involved in primary socialisation are usually small, involve face-to-face interaction and communication and allow the individual to express the whole self, both feelings and intellect. Usually, those factors are the family, peer groups, of close friends. Within these groups, through personal experience, the individual learns ‘primary values’ such as love, loyalty, justice, sharing, etc. In contrast, secondary groups are usually large, more impersonal and formally organised, and exist for specific purposes. In the secondary stage, the individual learns more values and norms which are to be applied for the individual to fit in. This includes learning how to organise and conduct themselves in formal contexts (backgrounds) and how to behave towards people who have different degrees of status and authority. One of the crucial aspects of secondary socialisation is school. The effects of growing up in unsocial conditions in these and other cases seem consistent. When the children emerged immediately into society, they were generally described by observers as ‘primitive’ and ‘hardly human’. None of the children developed social and communication skills beyond a basic level, in spite of attempts to re-socialise them. Above all, their absence or limited ability to learn language prevented them from functioning fully within society. These cases, also, suggest that human development, especially those of gaining basic social and communication skills, needs considerable contact with others. These stories do more than just confirm the important role of education, and that not just nature plays an important role in growth and development but also the environment in which you grow up in. They show that a human being not only can, but must be educated or learn to become a human being. Even when isolated from birth, animals usually retain clearly recognisable instincts. A cat that is raised among dogs, will still behave like a cat. Humans, however, enter the world very poorly equipped. The knowledge a child needs to become fully human is not complete. Everything the child eventually knows, or can do, must be learned. With the exception of natural body functions, such as breathing, as well as the reflexes, everything else must be learned. That is why feral children are an excellent source of evidence in the nature and nurture debate, because they cannot walk, talk or even socialise. They cannot show any emotions nor have empathy. This is due to them growing up in isolation and not having humans to human interaction so that they can learn the basic skills of life. This also proves that its not only nature that play a big role in child development but the environment you grow up in makes an impact to child development or the upbringing of a person because that is where you learn to be what you will become. To conclude, culture is a very important idea in Sociology and without it, we would have no language, we would not be able to express ourselves, and our ability to reason and think would be severely restricted. Through the process of Socialisation, children learn the way of life or culture of their society. If culture did not exist, then society would not exist and vice versa. Bibliography Anon (2006) Empiricism. Available at: (Accessed 2/11/2006) Anon (2006) John Locke. Available at: (Accessed 2/11/2006) Anon (2006) Francis Galton. Available at: (Accessed 1/11/2006) Anon (2006) Critical Period. Available at: (Accessed 1/11/2006) Devlin, D., Daniels, M., & Roeder K., 1997. The heritability of IQ.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Four River Valleys - 1198 Words
Compare and Contrast the Four River Valleys For reasons unknown four regions between 5000 and 2000 B.C.E rapidly expanded their land and changed at a quicker pace than other regions. They all had better agriculture, technology, development of state power and construction of cities. These rivers were the Nile in Egypt, the valley of the Indus River, which is now Pakistan, Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which is today known as Iraq and the Yellow River in China. These four regions although grew faster they also shared similarities and differences between ecology and their floodplains. As well as their society about settlement and labor and their involvement with politics. Lastly all their different cultures they†¦show more content†¦Men focused on agriculture and the women focused on the babies. As well all four-river valleys societies shared the environment of tyranny. To Egypt a king was a god and a Pharaoh sometimes function as a god. They also organized labor to manage floods and used th e Nile to unify control. In Mesopotamia a king ruled but each single state was under a single ruler. There was competition with other city-states. However kings were not gods but the ruler’s tombs after death was covered in treasurers and jewels. In China kingship traditions resemble Egypt and the Mesopotamia. The emperor takes on the role and just like Egypt uses their river as a highway to unify and control. The Indus Valley is however different, it is very much a mystery. There is uncertainness if there was ever a single ruler. But they still had roles of distributing food, engineering and construction of complex urban system. They all had control but as a tyranny they didn’t have much control over their citizens lives. They all had laws or codes except The Indus Valley because the place is unknown to having a ruler. But for the most part they were similar in forming a settlement, a ruler and laws to maintain the regions civilization. Along with having d ifferent regions with different ways of agriculture, settlement, laws and a different type of ruler comes interaction. All these regions can learn from each other and swap cultures.Show MoreRelatedComparing The River Valley Civilizations1509 Words  | 7 PagesComparing and Contrasting River Valley Civilizations In the following treatise, the research that will be presented will provide criteria involving similarities and differences in three attributes of life in the four primary river valley civilizations. The river valley civilizations are composed of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China. While each of these civilizations is unique in their habits and traditions, they share many similar qualities. 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