Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Use and Applications of Mental Imagery - 1034 Words
Introduction The imagination is a very powerful tool to change the way we think, act and live our lives, but it can be a tool for good and bad. Sometimes we think of imagination as something that is relegated to children, but we imagine things all the time when we come up with a new idea or just think about what will happen next, unfortunately this can cause a lot of stress, as we imagine everything that can go wrong and how we may fail. This response may be a defense, but it can be very harmful in modern society as modern â€Å"threats†usually do not involve running from a tiger, so the adrenaline will not help. History visualizations have been used by very many cultures throughout history all over the world for healing. This form of healing failed to become popular in western culture after loosing some credibility during the renascence. It made a come around however after the introduction of psychology . A early psychologist named Carl Jung used a form of visualization to help his patients overcome recurring nightmares and their physical symptoms. Clinical Psychology eventually adopted the use of imagination for treatments for things like systematic desensitization which is when you imagine positive images to help override stress and fear. its also used in diagnostic tests for example the ink blot test. Healing two journals one by Yale University and the other by Marquette University have produced studies using mental imagery as a complimentary tool for everything fromShow MoreRelatedVisual Mental Imagery and the Average Subject Essay1133 Words  | 5 Pagesof Visual Mental Imagery (VMI) will be utilized in order to exemplify and discuss these different measures. The next section will introduce VMI with a definition and a brief history, however, because it is not the main focus of the essay it will be kept very concise. A detailed review of the debate of visual mental imagery over the centuries can be found by Kosslyn, Thompson and Ganis (2006), Phylyshyn (2002) also gathers a plethora of theories in mental imagery. Visual Mental Imagery – The BigRead MoreCritical Appraisal of Strengths and Weaknesses of Boyatzis’s Intentional Change Theory966 Words  | 4 Pageshand the work done by Chris P. Neck and Charles C. Manz talks about Self-leadership theory and it can be described as the â€Å"process of influencing oneself†emphasizing two primary elements, self-talk and mental imagery. It is proposed that constructive thought management through the effective application of cognitive strategies can lead to enhanced individual performance [2] In my opinion Boyatzis’s Theory provides a really good structure and system to self-development, showing in a systematic wayRead MoreThe Vandals844 Words  | 4 Pagesthe central concern(s)/theme(s) of the text and be supported by reference to appropriate techniques of prose fiction such as: Characterisation, setting, key incident(s), narrative technique, symbolism, structure, climax, plot, atmosphere, dialogue, imagery. Choose a novel or short story with a central character you consider to be heroic, Show how the heroic qualities are revealed and discuss how this portrayal of the character enhances your understanding of the text as a whole. ANSWER: Many complaintsRead MoreProspects Restaurant Is All About Teaching And Engaging Teens And Young Kids961 Words  | 4 Pagescookbook are dulled down, so it’s easier on the eyes of adults. For this project I wanted to use bright colors to get younger people intrigued. This restaurant is all about teaching and engaging teens and young kids. On the back of the clipboard is a white board which gives users the opportunity to connect with others at the table and get a little creative while waiting for their meal. Inside Outside In Mental disorders are some of the least talked about illnesses in the world. For this project I wantedRead MoreThe Sport Of Powerlifting Is Serious981 Words  | 4 Pagestake a deep breath, nod to judges, wait for instruction, slowly sink into the squat, wait for instruction, push back up, and wait for instruction, rack. Following this first repetition, I would do four more repetitions with a warm up weight and only mental reciting. Each meet, I would have this same exact routine. I had the same playlist to pump me up and I performance the same 5 practice lifts. As Weinberg and Gould have suggested, a pre-performance routine is important for many athletes (2011). ThisRead MoreThe Dark Knight Returns, By Jorge Luis Borges Essay1082 Words  | 5 Pagesclassified as a work of literature through Frank Miller’s approach to written language application, character establishment, and plot development. Perhaps the most inherent part of The Dark Knight Returns’ literary qualification is the very use of written language. In simplest terms, literature is defined as â€Å"written works.†One must not be swayed then by the comic aspect of graphic novels because the presence of visual imagery does not write off the literary classification; however, it may cast the pieceRead MoreStrengths And Weaknesses1562 Words  | 7 Pagesexplains this quandary in her description of me. Poole, a veteran actor (2016), described what is needed when committing to the craft: Strengths - understand and incorporate the process into your preparation. Use the rehearsal process as the main focus for exploration and options. Use bold choices for strategies, objectives and obstacles. Not afraid to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Willing to go to any length as an actor...to stretch yourself physically and emotionally. Weaknesses - thisRead MoreLife Modification For Community Leaders1342 Words  | 6 Pagesthe popularity of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The most frequently cited reason for consumer use of CAM is dissatisfaction with the ability of conventional medicine to adequately treat chronic illnesses. Different international surveys consistently report that users of CAM tend to be more educated, have higher incomes and more likely to be between the ages of 30 and 49. Moreover, the use of CAM has been found to be especially high in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, multiple sclerosis,Read MoreVerbal Learning1387 Words  | 6 Pages2009, p. 158). Through the use of organization, rehearsal, and imagery an organism can draw a correlation between new data and data already presented. Organizing analogous stimuli can help with the memorization of words and draw reciprocity between two words. For instance, one knows what a desk is and may associate a desk with a chair. Recitation of words can aid by recitation of words repetitively. Mental imagery is essential as verbal learning happens through the use of non-word materia ls suchRead MoreThe Body s Internal Conversations1899 Words  | 8 Pages â€Æ'Guided imagery is a method for entering the body’s internal conversations, along with other altered states of consciousness-based techniques (i.e. hypnotherapy, meditation, biofeedback). While in the altered state, one is able to consciously intervene in the body’s biochemical interactions. Guided imagery is based on the concept that your body and mind are connected. Using all of your senses, your body seems to respond as though what you are imagining is real. Studies done at George Washington
Friday, May 15, 2020
Heinkel He 280 Fighter in World War II
The Heinkel He 280 was the worlds first true jet fighter. Developed by Ernst Heinkel, the aircraft built upon his earlier successes with the civilian He 178. First flying in 1941, the He 280 proved superior to the piston-engine fighters then in use by the Luftwaffe. Despite this success, Heinkel had difficulty gaining official support for the aircraft until late 1942. Plagued by engine issues, the He 280s development was eventually halted in favor of the Messerschmitt Me 262. The He 280 represents a missed opportunity for the Luftwaffe as it could have been operational a year earlier than the more famous Messerschmitt and aided Germany in maintaining air superiority over Europe. Design In 1939, Ernst Heinkel began the jet age with the first successful flight of the He 178. Flown by Erich Warsitz, the He 178 was powered by a turbojet engine designed by Hans von Ohain. Long interested in high-speed flight, Heinkel presented the He 178 to the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (Reich Air Ministry, RLM) for further evaluation. Demonstrating the aircraft for RLM leaders Ernst Udet and Erhard Milch, Heinkel was disappointed when neither showed much interest. Little support could be found from RLMs superiors as Hermann Gà ¶ring preferred to endorse piston-engine fighters of proven design. Undeterred, Heinkel began moving forward with a purpose-built fighter that would incorporate the He 178s jet technology. Beginning in late 1939, the project was designated He 180. The initial result was a traditional looking aircraft with two engines mounted in nacelles under the wings. Like many Heinkel designs the He 180 featured elliptically-shaped wings and a dihedral tailplane with twin fins and rudders. Other features of the design included a tricycle landing gear configuration and the worlds first ejection seat. Designed by a team led by Robert Lusser, the He 180 prototype was complete by summer 1940. Aircraft designer Ernst Heinkel. Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-B21019 / CC-BY-SA 3.0 Development While Lussers team was making progress, engineers at Heinkel were encountering problems with the Heinkel HeS 8 engine which was intended to power the fighter. As a result, initial work with the prototype was limited to unpowered, glide tests which began on September 22, 1940. It was not until March 30, 1941, that test pilot Fritz Schà ¤fer took the aircraft up under its own power. Re-designated the He 280, the new fighter was demonstrated for Udet on April 5, but, as with the He 178, it failed to earn his active support. In another attempt to earn RLMs blessing, Heinkel organized a competition flight between the He 280 and a piston-engine Focke-Wulf Fw 190. Flying an oval course, the He 280 completed four laps before the Fw 190 had finished three. Again rebuffed, Heinkel redesigned the airframe making it smaller and lighter. This worked well with the lower thrust jet engines then available. Working with limited funding, Heinkel continued to refine and improve its engine technology. On January 13, 1942, test pilot Helmut Schenk became the first to successfully use the ejection seat when he was forced to abandon his aircraft. RLM Support As designers struggled with the HeS 8 engine, other power plants, such as the V-1s Argus As 014 pulsejet were considered for the He 280. In 1942, a third version of the HeS 8 was developed and placed in the aircraft. On December 22, another demonstration was organized for RLM which featured a mock dog fight between the He 280 and the Fw 190. During the demonstration, the He 280 defeated the Fw 190, as well as showed impressive speed and maneuverability. Finally excited about the He 280s potential, RLM ordered 20 test aircraft, with a follow-on order for 300 production aircraft. Heinkel He 280 Specifications (He 280 V3):GeneralLength: 31 ft. 1 in.Wingspan: 40 ft.Height: 10 ft.Wing Area: 233 sq. ft.Empty Weight: 7,073 lbs.Loaded Weight: 9,416 lbs.Crew: 1PerformancePower Plant: 2 Ãâ€" Heinkel HeS.8 turbojetRange: 230 milesMax Speed: 512 mphCeiling: 32,000 ft.ArmamentGuns: 3 x 20 mm MG 151/20 cannon Continuing Problems As Heinkel moved forward, problems continued to plague the HeS 8. As a result, the decision was made to abandon the engine in favor of the more advanced HeS 011. This led to delays in the He 280 program and Heinkel was forced to accept that another companies engines would need to be used. After assessing the BMW 003, the decision was made to use the Junkers Jumo 004 engine. Larger and heavier than the Heinkel engines, the Jumo drastically reduced the He 280s performance. The aircraft flew for the first time with the Jumo engines on March 16, 1943. With the reduced performance caused by the use of the Jumo engines, the He 280 was at a severe disadvantage to its primary competitor, the Messerschmitt Me 262. Several days later, on March 27, Milch ordered Heinkel to cancel the He 280 program and focus on bomber design and production. Angered by RLMs treatment of the He 280, Ernst Heinkel remained bitter about the project until his death in 1958. Only nine He 280s were ever built. A Lost Opportunity Had Udet and Milch seized upon the He 280s potential in 1941, the aircraft would have been in frontline service more than a year earlier than the Me 262. Equipped with three 30mm cannon and capable of 512 mph, the He 280 would have provided a bridge between the Fw 190 and Me 262, as well as would have permitted the Luftwaffe to maintain air superiority over Europe at a time when the Allies would have lacked a comparable aircraft. While engine issues plagued the He 280, this was a constant issue with early jet engine design in Germany. Messerschmitt Me 262. Photograph Courtesy of the US Air Force In most cases, government funding was lacking at the key early stages of development. Had Udet and Milch initially backed the aircraft, the engine problems most likely could have been rectified as part of an expanded jet engine program. Fortunately for the Allies, this was not the case and a new generation of piston-engine fighters, such as the North American P-51 Mustang and later versions of the Supermarine Spitfire, allowed them to take control of the skies from the Germans. The Luftwaffe would not field an effective jet fighter until the Me 262, which appeared in the wars final stages and was unable to significantly influence its outcome.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Perception Of 12 Years A Slave - 2087 Words
My Perception of 12 Years a Slave Slavery has always been a touchy subject for people to speak about. No one likes to discuss topics like this with their children, family, or friends because it is such a sensitive topic regarding inhumane treatment of blacks. 12 Years a Slave is a true story about a black man, Solomon Northup, who was kidnapped and sold into slavery. The film reproduces his 12 year journey through slavery then back to freedom and his family. Cobb states that this film is the first ever major film to base the portrayal of US slavery based on a slave narrative. When I watched 12 Years a Slave, I was appalled and in disbelief that any person could be treated brutally and get away with it. It was a real eye-opener. Then, I decided to watch the movie with my children. As the movie played, I watched the expressions of my children as they sat in silence and sadness on their face. Why does this movie have such an emotional impact? I thought to myself, I have never really see n such a raw influencing film that brought the harsh history of slavery alive. In my paper, I will write about what I think what this film did to get such a reaction to the storyline and images portrayed in the film. How has this film affected my idea of slave history? Also, I will write about what my impressions are that this film wants the viewer to take away from the movie, and the behind the scenes theory of how a film goes about doing this. Finally, is there a hidden message behind SteveShow MoreRelatedThe Powerful Statement By Wiesel1148 Words  | 5 Pagesgentlemen, my name is Dimas Haring and there is inevitably a history of dispossession, a fear of difference and a damage that appears in different ways. It seems that the world contains many voices that convey various cultures and perceptions, however the language of the blacks remains unheard of. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask you to join me on this journey that exposes the issues of racial prejudice. In its most serious manifestation, racism is demonstrated through human’s perceptions and behaviorRead MoreMillion In Numberâ€â€That Was Forcibly Transported South To1144 Words  | 5 Pagesproduction of tobacco and rice in the seaboard states to that of cotton and sugar in the interior.†Between 1790 and 1860, approximately one million African Americans were transported from the Upper South to the Deep South in the domestic slave trade. Even when ex-slaves wrote their own narratives, many struggled to gain full free expression and narrative authority from the restrictions of white editorial control. Solomon Northup’s experience in slavery quickly became national news after his rescue inRead MoreI Am On Possession Of The Boisterous Sea Of Liberty By Solomon Northup Essay1124 Words  | 5 PagesI write to you with great enthusiasm, for I have recently purchased and read Twelve Years A Slave, by Solomon Northup. In addition to Northup’s masterful novel, I am in possession of The Boisterous Sea of Liberty. Excerpts from The Boisterous Sea of Liberty provide a vast array of notions and experiences that are in correspondence with Northup’s novel. Let there be no doubt that Northup’s tragic experience can vouch for our causeâ€â€to abolish slavery for its deplorable nature. Aside from the conventionalRead MoreKarl Marx View on Shame as a Social Emotion1312 Words  | 5 Pagesform of rec ognition – comes with conditions and limits, which I will explore through the writings of black feminist writers such as bell hooks, Toni Morrisson and Audre Lorde. I will begin my investigation of the difference between shame and guilt by looking at the film by Steve McQueen, ‘12 Years a Slave’ a film-adaptation of the 1853 memoir by Solomon Northup. I will argue that the film does not achieve Marx’s ‘revolutionary sentiment’ mentioned above in the same way that Frantz Fanon’s bookRead MoreAfrican American Were Enslaved Over 200 Years Ago968 Words  | 4 PagesAfrican American were enslaved over 200 years ago. During this time, blacks were not even considered to be humans. Their lives was not important to anyone, and they were not considered beautiful, or to have any beauty whatsoever. Beauty was only favored in white supremacy. During this time in the 18th and 19th century the black female slave began to get raped by their masters, producing mixed-raced children, who had lighter skin. Even though they were half white, they still didn’t receive the sameRead MoreAnalysis Of Philippians 2 : First Close Reading1548 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"every knee should bend†(2:10), and â€Å"every tongue confess †¦ glory to God†(2:11). Looking at each verse, challenged me to read between the lines and wonder what might be happening within the church of Philippi. Textual Criticism Through my research I found the manuscripts of to be constantly similar. The New Oxford Annotated Bible (NRSV) listed one textual variant, found in verse 5. â€Å"Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.†It is stated, other ancient authorities addedRead MoreThe Autobiography By Solomon Northup Essay1619 Words  | 7 PagesThe autobiography by Solomon Northup, 12 Years a Slave, tells the unforgiving story of the life of a slave in the mid-1800s. In the opening and closing of the book, Northup declares that his intention for writing his story was to give an unexaggerated, accurate representation of what he experienced during his twelve years of captiv ity. â€Å"My object is to give a candid and truthful statement of facts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Northup 1). He made it clear that he would make no embellishments to the story because he wantedRead MoreHow Successful Was Lincoln in His Handling of Events from November 1860 to April 1861?1504 Words  | 7 PagesKentucky on 1809. He was elected president in 860 and assassinated during the year of 1865. As President, Lincoln was indeed complex and enigmatic. He was certainly cautious, preferring to think over problems slowly and intelligently before coming to any sort of conclusion. He had always been opposed to slavery, believing it to be immoral and evil. In 1858 Lincoln was chosen by the Republicans to run against Douglas. During his years as president, he was responsible for several actions. Within this essayRead MorePotential Difficulties With Diverse Clients: Case Study1642 Words  | 7 Pageson ones personal cultural profile. This profile can subsequently be used in addressing man y of the other components of the ADDRESSING factors (Diller, 2008). Namely, the age and generational issues will have an impact on the individuals and his perception of culture. Through this framework, the user will gain a clear understanding of that influences his thought processes relative to individual culture. Identify potential difficulties with diverse clients. Experts agree that education is a determiningRead MoreDouglass Example 31562 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿1.Slaves didn’t know their mothers or birthdays.  Assess the impact on their mental  well being ?          The growth of the child can’t leave his mother. Care of the mother for the child s future character formation, have a decisive role.  Slaves don‘t know their mother, so they don’t get good care, no  guideline, no direction. The slave don‘t know their birthday, so that they don’t have a sense of identity for self.  It is easy to hurt them as a person s sense of belonging.  2.  Slavery degraded
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Crucible changes Essay Example For Students
The Crucible changes Essay Stories based on rounded, more-realistic characters are often negated because of the idea of them not being as exciting as the latest action film or romantic play. This view applies for the majority of contemporary audiences. If we look deeper into the play it is obvious that Miller has other purposes rather than just the creation of an exciting play. The narrators comments at the beginning of Act 1 are critical of 17th century beliefs of where evil originates in society and the way that the villagers live. The comments give the audience an insight into the hidden agendas such as Abigails plot to steal John that help make The Crucible an exciting play. The beautiful scenery in the film contrasts the evil and helps to highlight Millers criticisms of life in Salem. The audiences perceptions of evil in The Crucible changes. Originally Parris is seen as a good character: he is a reverend, traditionally seen as a good person. He is discovered kneeling beside the bed, evidently in prayer. The audiences perceptions of the reverend as a good man change when the narrator says In history he cut a villainous path, and there is very little good to be said for him. The audience now have an idea of the truth behind the characters actions in the play. Millers purpose for doing this is to show how corrupt society is. John Proctor seems like a bad man because he does not attend church. The audience grow to despise Reverend Parris and loyalty for John Proctor continues to grow until the very end. The real sinner is Parris who plays devils advocate and lies to save his reputation. The real evil is to be found in the hypocrisy of Parris, the injustice of Danforth and the manipulation of Abigail. Hale and Danforth contrast to create tension. Hales ignorance subsides as he realises the truth behind what is happening in Salem and the characters hidden agendas. However, the power placed in Danforths hands serves only to increase his insolence, encourage his unfair logic and blind him further to the real witches in Salem. Danforth is evil in a way different to Abigail. He takes theocracy and autocracy to extremes and his severe misinterpretation of the bible leads to the deaths of many innocent people. Miller challenges the old literary stereotypes of women being portrayed as angels or devils by giving them more complex personas. His purpose for this is not just a criticism of stereotypes but a way of enlightening the audience. The film dumbs down Abigail and Elizabeth by simplifying their characters and increasing the Good/Evil contrast therefore enforcing the old stereotypes. The film adds pathos to Elizabeths situation so that the audience feels sadness and pity. Milers purpose is to create a greater cathartic effect upon the audience watching the film than the play could produce. Miller uses The Crucible to define evil and show what it needs to flourish in any society or time period. At the time of the play being written, The Cold War had the western world shaking with fear. Evil exists in all societies but it could never exist without goodness to juxtapose and compare it to. In truth the potential for evil is unavoidable and exists in the hearts of all men. Millers play was written originally as an allegory for the McCarthyism that swathed 1950s Americans in fear. However, The Crucible can be perceived as an allegory for many other events in history such as the cultural revolution during Chairman Maos reign of China that crippled the country and took it back many decades economically. Miller intends to show that all that evil requires to flourish in any society is an abundance of power placed in the hands of a few. He states that .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 , .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 .postImageUrl , .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 , .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797:hover , .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797:visited , .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797:active { border:0!important; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797:active , .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797 .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4e2d14cddc70d322fbb30375c0061797:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Proctor expresses EssayOne cannot help noting that one of his lines has never yet raised a laugh in any audience that has seen this play; it is his assurance that We cannot look to superstition in this. The Devil is precise. Evidently now we are not quite certain even now whether diabolism is holy and not to be scoffed at. Arthur Miller shows that despite the advancement of the world over 400 years, religion and superstition cannot be dismissed as possible causes for evil in modern society. This thought provoking quote can make the audience look beyond the drama of The Crucible for a deeper meaning. Perhaps perceiving it for an allegory of their own. History repeats itself and Miller intends to show audiences that society may change, but its base principles remain the same. This is why evil will always flourish. The juxtaposition created by bringing the Salem Witch Trials together with McCarthyism highlights the basis for evil. In 1950s American, Joseph McCarthy was the Judge Danforth. He had all of the power and could decide a persons fate. Abigail can be perceived as symbolic for all the grudges, hidden agendas and hypocrisy that put many innocent civilians behind bars during the Cold War. Miller uses characters as a way for audiences to comprehend emotions easily. Abigail is almost a personification for the bad side of human nature. Other characters can be perceived as symbolic for emotions. Elizabeth seems to be the perfect personification of a loving wife. Her first ever lie to save the reputation of her husband John. Her human nature combined with fate leads to his death and this is what makes The Crucible tragic. The Director of the 1997 film version starring Winona Ryder develops the portrayal of evil by challenging contemporary evils such as black slavery and child abuse. His purpose is to raise awareness of evil in modern society and to perhaps prevent them happening in future. The link to child abuse in particular delivers a strong message when recent events such as the kidnapping of Sarah Payne. The film is more graphic in its depiction of child abuse because extra scenes displaying the abuse taking place are added. Arthur Millers purpose for this is to bring out more emotion in the audience because 17th century evils do not have quite the same impact that they used to. In conclusion, I do not agree with Tynans criticisms. Despite his comments I believe that beneath the good an evil personas Arthur Miller has used to make an exciting play are complex personalities of people living in an oppressed society. On a basic level Miller creates an exciting, dramatic play. He provokes thoughts in the audiences with his meaningful criticisms of 17th century society and once explained, his allegorical purposes are clear and an audiences viewpoint on society and its evils can be changed. I am sure that The Crucible will entertain people for many years to come.
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