Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Use and Applications of Mental Imagery - 1034 Words
Introduction The imagination is a very powerful tool to change the way we think, act and live our lives, but it can be a tool for good and bad. Sometimes we think of imagination as something that is relegated to children, but we imagine things all the time when we come up with a new idea or just think about what will happen next, unfortunately this can cause a lot of stress, as we imagine everything that can go wrong and how we may fail. This response may be a defense, but it can be very harmful in modern society as modern â€Å"threats†usually do not involve running from a tiger, so the adrenaline will not help. History visualizations have been used by very many cultures throughout history all over the world for healing. This form of healing failed to become popular in western culture after loosing some credibility during the renascence. It made a come around however after the introduction of psychology . A early psychologist named Carl Jung used a form of visualization to help his patients overcome recurring nightmares and their physical symptoms. Clinical Psychology eventually adopted the use of imagination for treatments for things like systematic desensitization which is when you imagine positive images to help override stress and fear. its also used in diagnostic tests for example the ink blot test. Healing two journals one by Yale University and the other by Marquette University have produced studies using mental imagery as a complimentary tool for everything fromShow MoreRelatedVisual Mental Imagery and the Average Subject Essay1133 Words  | 5 Pagesof Visual Mental Imagery (VMI) will be utilized in order to exemplify and discuss these different measures. The next section will introduce VMI with a definition and a brief history, however, because it is not the main focus of the essay it will be kept very concise. A detailed review of the debate of visual mental imagery over the centuries can be found by Kosslyn, Thompson and Ganis (2006), Phylyshyn (2002) also gathers a plethora of theories in mental imagery. Visual Mental Imagery – The BigRead MoreCritical Appraisal of Strengths and Weaknesses of Boyatzis’s Intentional Change Theory966 Words  | 4 Pageshand the work done by Chris P. Neck and Charles C. Manz talks about Self-leadership theory and it can be described as the â€Å"process of influencing oneself†emphasizing two primary elements, self-talk and mental imagery. 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Through the use of organization, rehearsal, and imagery an organism can draw a correlation between new data and data already presented. Organizing analogous stimuli can help with the memorization of words and draw reciprocity between two words. For instance, one knows what a desk is and may associate a desk with a chair. Recitation of words can aid by recitation of words repetitively. Mental imagery is essential as verbal learning happens through the use of non-word materia ls suchRead MoreThe Body s Internal Conversations1899 Words  | 8 Pages â€Æ'Guided imagery is a method for entering the body’s internal conversations, along with other altered states of consciousness-based techniques (i.e. hypnotherapy, meditation, biofeedback). While in the altered state, one is able to consciously intervene in the body’s biochemical interactions. Guided imagery is based on the concept that your body and mind are connected. 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